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iPod shuffle Reset Utility 出荷!

兼ねてから問題多発していた模様の初代iPod shuffleを改良するファームが出たようです。

参照:iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0 for Mac
The iPod shuffle Reset Utility restores First Generation iPod shuffle. The restore process completely erases all music and data on iPod shuffle and reinstalls software version 1.1.4.

初代iPod Shuffle利用者は試してみる価値あるかもです。ちなみに修正されている内容は、

Use the iPod shuffle Reset Utility to fix the following issues:

  • With the iPod shuffle switched on, pressing the Play button will cause amber and green LEDs to flash for a few seconds, and the unit will not play any music, nor can you sync music to it from iTunes.
  • On a Windows PC, iPod shuffle will appear in My Computer as a “Removable Disk,” however the iPod shuffle volume will not mount correctly. The unit is listed in Device Manager under “Disk Drives” as “Apple iPod USB Device.”
  • On a Mac, the unit will only be recognized in Apple System Profiler under Hardware -> USB and will not appear or mount in the Finder.
  • When attempting to restore, the unit may not be recognized at all. However, if it is recognized, the restore may fail with an error dialog “Firmware update failure. Disk write error” or another error. It may take 3 restore attempts before the error appears. Note: iPod shuffle may take several minutes to be recognized.

  • スイッチを入れると黄色と緑色の光を放ち曲再生などが出来なくなってしまう問題。
  • WindowsPCでリムーバブルディスクと認識されるけども、正しくディスク利用尾出来ない問題。
  • Mac上では認識されるだけでマウントできない問題
  • リストアを試みたら全く認識せず、認識しても、ファーム失敗のエラーメッセージが出て成功しない問題。
  • とりあえず、更新の方向で良いと思います。利用されていた方、ご苦労さまでした m(__)m

